Ballet in 2 acts after William Shakespeare
Premiere in Russia

Choreography: Krzysztof Pastor
Music: Henry Purcell, Thomas Tallis, Robert Johnson,
Matthew Locke, Michel van der Aa and traditional Iranian music
Music recording: the Orchestra of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw

Alexandrinsky Theatre

April 19, 2017

The house bill of this production looks as if a magician aimed to gather a dream team. The play which is considered the Shakespeare’s poetical bequeathal and his reflection about the world order.

The choreography by Krzysztof Pastor, arguably the most outstanding of Polish ballet masters ever. Video by a poignant lyrical Iranian artist Shirin Neshat, who got the Artist of the Decade title in 2010, and her partner Shoja Azari. Costumes by an “exquisitely intelligent”, “highly theatrical” Tatyana van Walsum. The music, not only threading the time, but forming a mental equlibrium of European culture from Shakespeare’s coeval Tallis to young and revolting Michael van der Aa, covered by a blanket of Iranian folk melodies.

All is a harmony here. All is a universum. And all is a struggle for the equilibrium.

“It has no unequivocal ending, or conclusion”, Pastor says. “Perhaps Shakespeare deliberately left a lot for us to interpret for ourselves. In this sense the play is very contemporary, it does not limit the audience to passive participation — it requires involvement, it is an intellectual challenge”.

Krzysztof Pastor has extracted elements from Shakespeare’s complex last play and woven them into a heady mix of sounds and visuals to create a piece of dance theatre that glows with originality.

Critical Dance

Shirin Neshat and Krzysztof Pastor’s work is a collection of emotions and meanings difficult to sum up in one article. A whirlwind bringing in a new force of spiritual change and renewal, bringing us to a future in which key words just have to be respect, lenity and inclusion.

Wall Street International

One of Shakespeare’s most unpredictable works is The Tempest — it has numerous layers and also supports a wide range of interpretations. In this manner, it is an unlimited wellspring of motivation, as well as a major test for choreographers.

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