Explorer of contemporary choreography, creator and curator of the project «No fixed points», Vita Khlopova invited everyone to join her unique lecture in DLT space, the main fashion department store of St. Petersburg and official partner for XVIII season of Dance Open festival. Vita proposed to Petersburg balletomanes to discuss origins of the Dutch ballet art and talk about such personalities as Sonia Gaskell, Rudi van Danzing, Hans van Manen and many others. This lecture represented a unique opportunity to learn how Audrey Hepburn was related to the Dutch ballet and to see extracts from the best productions of the leading Dutch ballet companies: NDT, Het Nationale Ballet, Introdans and Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. The significant part of lecture is consecrated to the NDT company, well known for the regular audience of Dance Open festival, and to the choreographers which played an important role in the history of ballet company: from Jiří Kylián to the artistic tandem Paul Lightfoot and Sol León.