Tatiana Linnik

Coach and Repetiteur

Master classes Dance Open: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Graduaed from the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet and joined Mikhailovsly Ballet. From 1998 to 2009 has danced with the Mariinsky Ballet. Danced all the classical and character repertoire of corps de ballet and corifee, and also soloist parts in Swan Lake, Giselle, The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, La Sylphide and others.

Since 2009 Tatiana Linnik passes on her artistic expirience to young dancers as a pedagogue of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, State Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater, Konstantin Tachkin St. Petersburg ballet theatre.

Besides, her teaching skills are demanded in many countries — her master classes were held in France, Italy, Finland, Portugal and Spain.

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