Nikita Shcheglov

Soloist with the Mariinsky theatre

Master classes Dance Open: 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018

Graduated with honours from the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in 1991 (class of Professor Semenov). Joined the Mariinsky Theatre in 1991. Soloist since 1997.

Repertoire includes: La Bayadère (Solor, Golden Idol), Don Quixote (Basil), Le Corsaire (Conrad, Lankedem), The Legend of Love (Ferkhad), Schéhérazade (Golden Slave), La Sylphide (James), Swan Lake (Pas de trois), Romeo and Juliet (Troubadour), Giselle (classical Pas de deux, Act I), La Esmeralda (Acteon, Diana and Acteon Pas de deux).

From 2000-2002, was a lead soloist with the Colorado Ballet Company and Cincinnati Ballet Company.

Repertoire included Freedman´s Cinderella (The Prince) and The Nutcracker (Cavalier), Kozadayev and Petipa´s Swan Lake (The Prince), Balanchine´s Stars and Stripes, Peterson´s Don Quixote (Basilio) and Caniparoli´s The Nutcracker (Nutcracker Prince).

Private engagements: International Prima Ballet Galaxy (1996, Taiwan), Vikharev Selections II (1997, Japan), guest artist with ODU Ballet (1991,1998 – USA), Ballet Official, Teatro del Libertador (2000, Argentina), Spoleto Festival (2002, Italy), Cork City Ballet (2002, Ireland).

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