Tobias Ehinger

German-born Tobias Ehinger is the general director of Theater Dortmund Germany with its ballet, junior ballet, opera, orchestra, drama and youth and children play.

He studied dance and expressing arts at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart, the Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo, the Prague Conservatory and graduated from the Academia of Expressive Arts in Mannheim. In the course of his engagements as a dancer and assistant in Stuttgart, London, Essen and Dortmund, he has worked with renowned choreographers and artists.

In 2004 Tobias Ehinger became manager of Ballett Dortmund in Germany. He was in charge of artistic direction and coordinating of several international cultural exchanges and shows in New York, Beijing, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Minsk, Tallinn, Prague, Hong Kong, Brno, Bratislava, Budapest, Helsinki, Stockholm, Madrid, Düsseldorf and Bonn.

He is chairman of the Union of German Dance Pedagogues, chairman of Dancers in the Association of German Stage Artists, and a member of the board of the Chamber for Social Benefits and Pensions for German Stage Artists. Tobias Ehinger was awarded the German Dance Price (Deutsche Tanzpreis Anerkennung) in 2013.

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