Coaches of master classes

The man who can make hard things easy is the educator

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The happiest moment as a teacher is to see how his students dance on the stage

Tatiana Linnik, coach

What are the basic requirements for a young ballet artist of nowadays? A talent. A patience. A diligence. And, to ensure that these precious skills and efforts would not pass in vain, one should be very fortunate in finding one's special, the only teacher.

The task of a coach is to help his student to focus on the most essential things. On this "pas" today, and on that one tomorrow, each time a bit more complicated. The mastery of a ballet teacher starts with the competence in classical dance where each lesson peruses a one specific purpose, idea or movement.

Dance Open invites to lead the master classes the standard-bearers of ballet pedagogy as well as actual ballet stars. Those who share an irresistible passion for the choreographic art. Even a brief acquaintance with such enthusiasts is able to give rise to a spark of creativity and a desire for perfection in the heart of a child. One thing is certain: a shaping factor for each dancer’s development is the individuality of the Master.

All teachers working with Dance Open are exactly such persons. All of them are Personalities. Enthusiasts. Professionals.

Master Classes will be held from 22 to 27 April, 2020.

Dance Open is proud to collaborate with the best dance teachers.

Gennady Selutsky

Yulia Makhalina

Irma Nioradze

Vladimir Malakhov

Leonid Sarafanov

Nina Zmievets

Sofia Gumerova

Anton Korsakov

Polina Rassadina

Nikita Shcheglov

Anastasia Vasilieva

Tatiana Linnik

Maria Allash

Igor Petrov

Elvira Tarasova

Veronika Ivanova

Viktor Baranov

Mark Haim

Irina Badaeva

Vasiliy Medvedev

Stanislav Feco

Arthur Mitchell

Elena Vorontsova

Natalia Tsyplakova

Marina Abdullaeva

Lubov Kunakova

Margarita Kullik

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